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RFID Solution Kuwait | GPS Tracking Systems | Victory Arch

RFID Solution

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is a radio wave based communication between an RFID reader and electronic tag attached to an object or person for the purpose of identification and tracking
Active RFID Tags
It possesses a power source and have long read ranges. They are often used used to keep track of high value asset through a system or production.
Passive RFID Tags
Passive tags require no internal power source. Passive tags are resilient, small, cheap and with long lifespan. It is the most common type of RFID tags.
The Future of RFID: Think Big, Yet Simple
We live in a multi-scale wireless world. Technologies like 4G,WI-FI, GPS, RFID and SENSORS are coming together in hundreds of ways to create meaningful changes in our lives. See how this change have an impact on our future technologies and lifestyle.
RFID Adoption
Today, users and consumers are interacting with RFID everyday. Businesses are reaping enormous financial benefits by using real-time data generated by RFID system to become more intelligent and efficient.
IoT - Internet of Things
The ease of sharing and acting on real-time information from connected devices lends itself well to many and new personal business applications. RFID will be the catalyst for the next phase of the IoT, where the resulting data and new applications will be limitless.
Big Data
The Internet of Things feeds into the huge amounts of data generated everyday. The data can pile up and become useless, or it can be turned into valuable, actionable information for enormous business success.

Key Benefits

Sales Growth

Retail stores have shown an increased sales growth from knowing what they have in real time. Using RFID technology for real time stock analysis means popular items never run out of stock

Improved Read Accuracy

The read accuracy of RFID is 99% and the speed of the process should equate to less than 2% if the manual process

Data Source

An RFID tag is a unique memory chip that allows big data storage such as items, locations, serials, etc., in order to improve business cycles and management decisions

Multiple Items at Once

RFID tags use radio signals to identify an item so there’s no need for line of sight. The ability to read multiple items quickly means a faster read is achieved than a manual barcode scan process

Faster Distribution

The efficiency and accuracy of the selection process created by RFID management systems means a quicker distribution on time 

Reduced Labor - ROI

Keeping track of your assets can be extremely labor intensive and time consuming. RFID reduces this with a greater logistic control

Our Lines of Expertise