Asset Tracking Management

Our solution is a comprehensive suite that automates and streamlines asset tracking & management by utilizing the latest technologies including RFID, barcodes, mobile computers, and GPS technology for automated data collection

Key Benefits

Save Time

Save time by automating the inventory process and track all assets in real-time

Reduce Cost & Improve Accuracy

Get more accurate asset audits while substantially reducing cost.The automated system also eliminates human errors caused by the manual process

Retain Audit Records

Keep record of details and auditable history of all assets throughout their life-cycle including procurement, deployment, re-allocations, updates, and disposable processes

RFID Asset Tracking System

The RFID reader can be several meters away and still get an accurate scan of all assets

Multiple Tags At Once

Read multiple tags at once, without requiring line-of-sight between the tags and scanner. One employee could inventory an entire room full of equipment in a matter of minutes

Integration With Sensors & GPS

RFID tags can be integrated with sensors and GPS technology to retrieve asset details including location information and condition data

Integration With Wireless LAN

By integrating the solution with a wireless LAN, assets can be identified and located remotely within seconds


Generate real-time alerts and alarms if assets are moved out of its authorized location

Eliminate Errors

Eliminate human errors caused by the manual process of searching for serial numbers

Increase Productivity

Locate assets instantaneously and manage them more efficiently

Barcode Asset Tracking System

Barcode labels are assigned a unique identification number. Every asset is then assigned a barcode label,  making it easy to locate a specific asset, pull up maintenance schedules for equipment, determine the status of an asset, and more simply by scanning the barcode label

Easy-To-Use Interface

Asset data are readily accessible and reliable

Eliminate Manual Tracking

Easily pinpoint the location of an asset without having to manually look up for serial numbers

Data Customized for Your Context

Create and save custom views, and build and customize your pwn report to share across the organization

Our Lines of Expertise